Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Well, I just finished the readings for this week on photography! I think I read them all and couldn't get enough! I have had a new camera on my wish list for a few months since having my daughter and this makes me want one even more. I love seeing pictures of kids where the photographer was able to capture the most simple thing, yet it looks so amazing in the photograph. My sister in law has a gift for pictures, and she is the one who has been trying to convince me to get a great camera because they capture the moments of the little ones' lives so quickly. If any of you have children, you know that they don't sit STILL!!! Not for one second! If you have a great camera that can capture things in the blink of an eye, mixed with the knowledge of what makes a great photo, I can only imagine the wonderful memories that can be created to last a lifetime. I am looking forward to my new camera!


  1. Thoughts on the "imaginative bridges"?

  2. I think as a photographer, your job is to make your audience drawn to your photos. You need to use lines, angles, colors, textures, and design to make it a compelling photo. Everyone has different taste, and a photo that I may think is beautiful, someone might think is mediocre. As teachers, we know that all of our students are different. They require different approaches to lessons, and many types of experiences to help them grasp new information. The bridge between the two seems clear to me. A photographer needs to use many avenues to make a photo compelling, and a teacher needs to use many avenues to make the learning experiences for our students compelling as well. We can't just point and click and hope it looks nice. There needs to be thoughtful plans, and taking into consideration what our students enjoy to make a good lesson, or a "good photo".
