Saturday, February 12, 2011

Film and Television... How Hard Can It Be?

Well, as I continue to put the finishing touches on my video project, I have since changed my attitude, that it can't be THAT difficult. Boy was I wrong. I spent so much time filming something that I felt was compelling, only to be completely unsatisfied with the result. I think I take for granted the amount of time that producers and directors put into everything behind a movie or TV show. From sound track, to lighting, and angles. I was only making a 2 minute video, and it took me forever. You may not think so when you see it, but there was a lot of time and effort put into it. It makes me think about my job. I can recall on more than one occasion when my husband and I were first married, and he thought that teaching was so easy. "It can't be that tough, you go in, babysit a bunch of kids for a few hours and come home". It wasn't until he had to begin taking a more active role, cutting out things, coloring things, drawing pictures, basically becoming one of the classroom "dads" despite the fact he didn't have a kid in the classroom. I think it was then that he realized the amount of planning and time that goes into my job. I feel like this is where I fit into the idea of film and TV now. I have had to take a more active and hands on role in it, and now I know it is not just fun and games, and that it is tiring, and time consuming. I think the point of making a compelling experience for my students means putting that extra time and planning into it so that they get to have a well designed activity. Maybe I can add more elements to it that makes it more enjoyable for them, and that they are compelled by the whole experience. As for the imaginative bridges, in the Percussive Editing article, Hirsch said, "editing can be the organization of two-dimensional movements on the screen within a given period of time." I take this statement into the classroom completely! As teachers, we are taught to be flexible the "first take" or the first introduction to a new concept might not go according to plan. We have to regroup and "reshoot" or reteach the lesson in a different way, in "different light". Then we might end up with a product that is satisfactory... our kids get the concept. Just like a film director has to film a scene only to film it again the next day. I think teachers have to do a similar thing within the walls of the classroom. We go back to the drawing board and try a new "take". Both teachers, and filmmakers are faced with a time constraint. We need to teach certain content within a given amount of time and a filmmaker needs to film a movie in a certain amount of time as well. Being efficient and paying attention to our audience, or our students will help us make compelling lessons, or movies. I guess it is apparent every art has it's struggles.


  1. Good point about all of the time that goes into planning a lesson. It is never appreciated by the untrained eye, especially when everything goes well. I find that when an activity is a disaster I could kick myself for not putting more time and thought into it. Making teaching look easy is a lot of work.

  2. Thanks! I agree. My husband always thought it was so easy until he got back from his deployment in my first year of teaching, and I had him cutting out shapes and tracing things. He changed his opinion very soon after :)
