Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What does Compelling mean, and how can I use this to teach?

I have been trying to decide what compelling means when I think about it in my classroom. Does it mean that my kids are involved in what is going on? No, I think of that as engagement. What about that they are excited about what I am teaching? No again. I think that can best be described by enthusiasm. The more I think about it, the more I think compelling means a combination of not only how involved the kids are, and how excited they are, but also what I put into the experience for them as well. I think there are plenty of activities that can have high student engagement and not be very compelling. When I look at this week's articles, and the whole concept of t.v. and movies, I really think this helps to put things into perspective for me. The directors and producers of things such as The Godfather, or My Best Friend's Wedding don't just put something out there. I'm sure that they could, and that they would have high engagement from their audience, however I don't think it would be considered a compelling show or clip. The more time that they put into their work of art, the more they are molding it to be compelling for their audience. I think if we can take this mind set into the classroom, we will be able to create more compelling experiences for our students. If I look to not only create something that has high student engagement, but also that is compelling, I am pretty certain that my students will be more successful. This will be something to research further as the course continues!

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